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Blog Archives | Egress Solutions, LLC


Converting a Basement Window to Egress: A Guide to Retrofits

Egress windows are more than just a home improvement project — they are a critical safety feature. These windows provide a safe exit in emergencies, ensuring your family’s well-being. Additionally, they help your home comply with building codes and regulations for legal and insurance purposes. Beyond safety alone, egress windows can also boost the value […]

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RockWell Basement Window Well Designs

a young girl lifts an egress window well cover to safely escape basement

When it comes to enhancing the appeal of your home, the basement is often an overlooked space. But with the addition of a window well, you can transform this area into a warm, inviting, and functional part of your living area. RockWell’s line of premium window wells offers a unique blend of aesthetics and practicality […]

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Best Way to Use Tax Refund: Why Egress Windows Are the Perfect Investment

rockwell egress window wells with landscaping best way to use tax refund egress window egress solutions nj

As tax season wraps up, many of us are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our tax refunds. However, the importance of using this refund wisely cannot be overstated. Above all else, this is an opportunity to invest in something that can offer financial and personal long-term benefits in one fell swoop – such as home […]

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Ultimate Guide to Waterproofing Window Wells

window well and grate waterproofing window wells egress solutions

Egress windows are a critical safety measure in any basement living space, providing a vital escape route in emergencies. However, these windows can also be a common entry point for water, leading to potential damage or costly repairs. Waterproofing your window wells is essential to protect your home and maintain the integrity of your egress […]

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Basement Finishing Checklist: A Guide to Creating the Perfect Space

basement finishing checklist basement bedroom with egress window and window well egress solutions

Finishing a basement can be an incredibly exciting and creative process! It’s a unique opportunity to express yourself, all while creating a space that perfectly suits your needs. The possibilities are virtually limitless, but to bring your vision to life, you’ll need to begin with some careful planning. Our complete basement finishing checklist will guide […]

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Remodeling Tips for Creative Basements

creative basements living space egress solutions

Autumn is officially here, and with a new season comes a new opportunity for remodeling! Having a creative basement can boost a home’s value through its unique style and provide a comfortable living space for homeowners. The possibilities for finished basement ideas are endless, especially when you consider all the enhancements on the market. Egress […]

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What to Ask Your Egress Window Installer

egress window installer with drill

Here at Egress Solutions, your project is very important to us. Above all else, we value your involvement and input during the entire process. To ensure our work meets the highest standard, we know that effective communication is key — and there are certain questions you should ask to make this happen. Know that any […]

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3 Types of Egress Windows: Which Is Best?

types of egress windows woman seated at desk by egress window indoors

Egress windows are an essential component of a basement finishing project. Although all egress windows have the same intent/purpose, they may operate differently. In this month’s blog, we’ll discuss the three most common types of egress windows and the advantages/disadvantages of each. Egress casement window  A casement window is essentially a hinged window that is […]

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Get Into Green Remodeling with Eco-Friendly Finished Basements

green remodeling basement with bathroom, washer and dryer, closet

As we enter spring, our minds turn to the environment and how we can be more eco-conscious. A finished basement fits beautifully into a sustainable house plan — here’s how!   Finished basements as a green home improvement Staying within the footprint As we move towards more sustainable ways of building and remodeling, we must […]

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How Much Value Does an Egress Window Add?

egress window wells at a warehouse lot egress solutions mullica hill nj

If you don’t already have a basement egress window, do you need one? Is it really worth the investment? How much value does an egress window add? While egress window installation is included with most new construction (per building codes in many localities), many homes still lack a basement emergency exit. If you’re in that […]

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